The school day runs from Monday - Friday ( 8.35 am - 3.05 pm )



The House System

Every student and member of staff is allocated to one of four houses, Walters, Parkes, Tolkien and Lloyd. Houses are used as the basis of the pastoral system and for sporting and other competitions. The Houses are named after famous people from Birmingham.

Throughout the year all members of every House can achieve House points. House points may be gained by distinguished work or effort in all aspects of Academy life such as attendance and punctuality, sporting achievement, etc. The House system engenders a culture of ownership, belonging, competition, personal responsibility and leadership.

House Forms
Walters S and H
Parkes E and L
Tolkien D and O
Lloyd N and A

The Trust

King Edward VI Academy Trust Birmingham is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registered number 10654935. Registered office: Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2UD. Tel: 0121 472 1147.
