The Academy’s curriculum aims to develop a thirst for learning through high quality teaching and a challenging yet inclusive curriculum because the acquisition of key knowledge and skills builds confident, independent learners.
We provide a well-rounded education, extending beyond academic study and offering rich and diverse opportunities to all students; blending excellence in academic, vocational and extra-curricular activities allows all students to succeed in ways most appropriate to them and their talents.
High expectations and standards are the cornerstones of our Academy. We develop a ‘can-do’ culture where success is celebrated and rewarded; a focus on ‘next steps’ and positive student engagement allows us to develop an aspirational ethos. Furthermore, we believe that the ability to communicate effectively is key to developing positive relationships, good social skills and is vital in the work place; thus we want our students to be able to express their feelings, ideas and understanding of concepts and theories with confidence.
To find out more about our curriculum, please get in touch.

High expectations and standards are the cornerstones of our Academy
Curriculum organisation
Students study a broad curriculum at Key Stage 3, which covers Years 7, 8 and 9. Towards the end of Year 9, students, with support from their families, choose their Key Stage 4 options. Key Stage 4 option subjects are organised in such a way that supports students to:
Study for the English Baccalaureate.
Study a blend of vocational and GCSE courses.
Access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Opt for subjects that provide a meaningful career path and they can be successful in.
Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form offer and curriculum can be accessed through our dedicated pages.
Sixth Form Page
Each year group in Key Stage 3 and 4 has a homework schedule to ensure a manageable volume of homework is set throughout the week. Up to two homework tasks may be set each day. English, maths and science will be set once a week. Other subjects will be set once a fortnight. Post 16 students have varied timetables and homework will reflect the individual learning programme of each student. As students move through each year group, work set will begin to involve longer pieces of homework, reflecting their age.
Year 9 GCSE subject choices