The school day runs from Monday - Friday ( 8.35 am - 3.05 pm )




Ms Rebecca Elcocks

Welcome to KESH. We are an oversubscribed 11-18 Academy serving a vibrant and diverse community. As part of KE Academy Trust Birmingham, our vision is to enable students to reach the highest personal and academic standards.

Our state of the art facilities and broad and balanced curriculum provide a fantastic environment in which to learn and our core values of compassion, aspiration, respect, and equality underpin everything we do in our mission to provide the best quality of education for our learners.

A highly skilled staff provide excellent academic and pastoral support. Each child has a dedicated Pastoral Manager and Head of Year to guide them through their journey. We place significant emphasis on recognising and rewarding student’s achievements with our extensive rewards programme. We have high expectations of our students conduct. Attendance is above national average demonstrating that students enjoy coming to school and feel part of our community.

Students have the opportunity to partake in a wide range of activities beyond the classroom including clubs, sporting fixtures, music, trips and visits ensuring they are well equipped to thrive, both on their journey through school and beyond.

Meet The Team

Mr M Billyeald
Vice Principal
Mr J Hussey
Vice Principal
Mr S Miller
Assistant Vice Principal (DSL)
Mrs B Collister
Assistant Vice Principal
Mr H Sehejpal
Assistant Vice Principal (Head of Sixth Form)
Ms S Powell
Assistant Vice Principal
Mr B Elcock
Assistant Vice Principal (Pastoral)
Miss Lanham
Assistant Vice Principal (Teaching & Learning)
Miss Ayling
Assistant Vice Principal

The Trust

King Edward VI Academy Trust Birmingham is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registered number 10654935. Registered office: Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2UD. Tel: 0121 472 1147.
